Page name: Become a Muppet [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-29 19:48:55
Last author: Mrs Gamgee
Owner: Mrs Gamgee
# of watchers: 2
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If you wish to join Muppets rule!

Choose which character you want to be and write your name next to it. Pepe and Animal have already been taken but other than that!

[I've got rid of the stupid password! Just MESSAGE ME when you join! Thanks people!]

1. Pepe-[Mrs Gamgee](Owner and Honoured Muppet Leader)
2. Animal- [Tanzi Took] DRUMSTICKS DRUMSTICKS!! *arhh arhh arhh*(The owner's drunk)
3.Kermit the frog-[Erestor] I'm Kermit nice to meet you.
4. Miss Piggy-
5. Gonzo the Great - [Kaito]
6. Fozzie Bear - [Itsme2]. Waka waka waka!
7. Rizzo [xxEldarisxx]
8. Sweetums [sugarplumfairy]
9. Statler[Cede]
10. Waldorf
11. Doctor Teeth- [pixyman]
12. Rowlf- [prairierose]
13. Swedish Chef-[crushedvelvet47]
14. Beaker-[Miss.Kayree]
15. Zoot [Alsar]
16. Samuel Arrow- [Gracie]
17. Lew Zealand-[Harms_Way]
18. Bunson Honeydew-[Roux 49]
19. Crazy Harry-[Wallstring] yeeheeheehaha!
20. Janice [moira the paradox]
21.Kermit- [elveneyes]
22.Chicken- [psychekiller]pucaaaw

Just put your name in by the numbers, dont's worry if your not a muppet, they'll never be enough to go round! I still want you to join though. Thanks!
Don't forget to put this in your house!

Go back to Muppets rule!

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-18 [Tanzi Took]: mmmmmmmmgamge. He is wik

2004-07-23 [pixyman]: I have allways been partial to Dr. Teeth...

2004-07-24 [Mrs Gamgee]: Dr. Teeth? Cool.

2004-07-24 [prairierose]: What about that dog that plays the piano? I like him. And the Swedish Chef!

2004-07-25 [Tanzi Took]: YAY!! I'll get [Mrs Gamgee] to put them up. *yells* HEY GAMGEE! DO WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT DAMN IT!!

2004-07-28 [Mrs Gamgee]: There you go! You can join now!

2004-08-02 [prairierose]: I'd love to, but I don't know the question. I've watched a bunch of the TV shows, but haven't seen any of the movies lately. :(

2004-08-05 [Mrs Gamgee]: Hoooooraaaaaayyyyy! I got rid of the password!

2004-09-15 [ArchangelGabriel]: ooooo, can i join, i'd like to be cliffrord.

2004-10-02 [*KillJoy*]: Hey I would like to join, but Kermit is already taken!

2004-11-02 [Carol Lynn]: ha ha ha wardlof and statler are my faves lol

2005-06-01 [Tanzi Took]: dam it gamgee get my animal pic back!!

2005-06-07 [Mrs Gamgee]: Dudes, I'm really busy with exams till friday, but after that I shall sort evrything out..........including your animal picture Took.

2005-06-13 [Tanzi Took]: .......................hurray! Your coming over to my flat in summer hols Gamge if I have to drag you there myself!

2005-06-19 [Mrs Gamgee]: Thats totally fine with me Took!

2005-06-23 [Tanzi Took]: ........................................................GAY

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